Chapter 26

“Why not?” Craig asked.’’

“Because…” Kevan turned back. “Hell if I know.”

“Then don’t apologize. I didn’t notlike it, if that makes sense. You just surprised me.”

“Whew.” Kevan looked at him for a long moment. “I’ll remember that, if I ever decide to hug you again.” And I will, since I know he’s not pissed, or upset. “Now, though, we’d better get back to our cars before some vampire decides to make dinner of us.”

* * * *

Scott and Zoran had fed—and well. Afterward, Scott wanted to walk into the Quarter from the park where they’d found what Scott had once called their victims.

“Not victims,” Zoran had told him, soon after turning Scott. “Don’t think of them as that. They’re humans who fulfill a purpose for us, and they aren’t harmed in the process. Remember that.”