Murphy folded up the printouts, and continued. “You can rest easy, Mr. Stark. You’ve paid your debt, and not only that, you did us a big favor. When word goes out, you’re going to be a big man around here. So, rest easy. I’m certainly not going to dig out some hairy case we couldn’t close and blame it on you just to make the department look good. We don’t have to. When we put the Latin Kings away we’re going to look like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy all rolled up into one.” He hesitated, and smiled. “Thanks to you, and your friend here.”
He got up, skirted his desk, and sat on the edge of it. “Now get your asses out of here, and if you keep yourself clean, you’ve got nothing to worry about from us. As far as the cops that chased you out of the bank that day, they didn’t know who you were. They heard something, you ran, and they naturally assumed you were one of the robbers. I’m sorry that happened, but I’m sure you can understand why it did.”