Chapter 3

Mom just ignored me, shook her head, and said, “Boys will be boys.”

I couldn’t eat another bite. I felt sick.

* * * *

Anyway, here I was back at school, in my senior year. I thought I’d come out to my roommate. He’d been so happy to come back to college, and so was I, only for different reasons.

“The girls here are so pretty, and some have the biggest tits I’ve ever seen, well, hope to see!” Jerome laughed. “Hey, I got laid while I was home, too. I was dating this girl in high school…” He went into details that, to me, were absolutely disgusting.

Sitting up on my bed and closing my book, I said, “Jerome, that’s enough. For one thing, it’s rude to talk about a girl like she’s a piece of meat, and for another—it’s disgusting.”

Jerome stared at me. “What are you, some kind of fag?” he asked, laughing.

I only stared at him. I suppose silence was as good an answer as the word yes screamed in his face, for his expression changed from a smile to a smirk.