Chapter 7

And then we were out, and out the door, and trudging back home through the snow.

* * * *

I was looking forward to getting inside. The wind was howling, and I craved warmth and quiet. However, quiet was not to be. David and Angela were fighting. Loudly. Luckily, they had shut themselves into the other part of our duplex dorm, leaving Tory and me in the other. My clothes and pajamas were in with them.

Tory knocked, said, “I brought you your medicine!”

Angela shouted back, “Go fuck yourself!”

Tory turned to me. “Me? Well, then, let’s see what we have. I, for one, could use a little something soothing to the tummy.”

He set the bottles on the nightstand and then went over to the two dressers and rummaged through them. I thought about stopping him, but my teeth were chattering. Tory tossed me some long johns and a pair of bikini briefs.

“Take your pick!” he said with delight. This man was incredible. I was a shivering wreck, and he was glowing with fun and enthusiasm.