Not that Colten was a stranger.
“There was another time,” Colten continued. “It was probably three years ago. He was delivering parts out to the house. Well, one of the cows got loose and wouldn’t budge from its spot behind his truck.” He practically howled with laughter. “God! Your dad was so pissed! He honked the horn; he yelled like a lunatic. The cow didn’t move. Finally, we had to physically push her out of the way. Nothing else would work. Now, whenever we need parts, someone else always makes the deliveries.”
I stared on in amazement as Colten recounted a dozen tales of my father, each more unbelievable than the last. When we pulled up to the bar in Accident, my face was red from laughing.
“I can’t believe it,” I said, as Colten parked. My stomach ached and I was having trouble catching my breath. “I mean, I’ve never once seen him drunk.”
“As I said, he does have his reputation.”