Chapter 36

Could I come back here to live? My work would be easy enough to transfer. I had an office at a local building in Scottsdale, but it wasn’t a necessity. I’d miss my friends, but I could always go back to visit there

My heart finally had to admit Colten was taking center stage. I was falling in love with him and I couldn’t simply leave.

And though he never said it aloud, I knew he loved me. It was apparent from our first kiss out by his truck.


What could I do? I didn’t want to stay here—on account of the curse—but I didn’t want to go back to Arizona either.

“You okay?” Dad’s voice behind me made me jump.

I turned to him, and in doing so, knocked the cup of coffee with my elbow. It flew off the island and landed on the floor with a resounding crash. Hot coffee splashed everywhere.

I stared down at the remains of the mug in horror.

“Mart?” Dad asked, the concern clear in his voice.

I looked at him, my eyes still wide and terrified.

“Marty?” he repeated.