He knew he should put on his chaps, too, but he’d deal with that later, once he decided where he was going. For now, he’d be fine with his boots, gloves, and helmet—and the jacket.
As he took off again, Erik debated dropping in on one or another of his friends to see if they’d let him crash for the night. But given the hour, and the fact that he was not in the mood for an ‘I told you so’ from anyone, he kept riding. He didn’t realize quite how far he’d gone until he saw a sign telling him that the next right off Colfax would take him into Golden via Sixth Avenue. That was when it hit him that he was exhausted, physically as well as emotionally.
He saw a motel, rode into the lot, parked, and ten minutes later was taking the elevator up to a room on the fourth floor. Dropping his backpacks on the dresser, he stripped, showered, and fell into bed.