And there were certain people in this small town he would definitely miss, like Ren and Scott
Dakota clenched his teeth. He refused to be chased away from a place he loved, people whose company he enjoyed, just because some woman might not like his baked goods. 11
The air was crisp, a precursor to the wintery cold nights to come, prompting Scott to wrap himself in a blanket. He was curled up in a chair on his apartment’s small balcony, gazing skyward. Positioned across the street from a lake and near the outskirts of town, Scott had the privilege of a crystal clear sky, no taint from the town lights. And at the moment he was picking out the constellations he learned as a child, wondering how they came to be.
The clock was pushing midnight and he should have been tucked snuggly into his bed, dreaming of all the things that made him happy.
Like Dakota.
But sleep eluded him.