“Goddamn it. Life flat sucks.”
* * * *
Jed started to cross to Monte, feeling the other man’s distress as keenly as if it were his own. In some ways it was. The crackle of Agent Arnwine’s deep voice through the earbuds of his pseudo iPod halted his progress.
“We have Juarez. He was hiding out at Dawson’s place just like pork-o told us. Juarez didn’t put up much of a fight. I think he figures the higher level people will bail him out in short order, but he’s in for a surprise. Unless he buys a plea bargain with a lot of information, he’s ours for the duration.”
Jed nodded, although he knew his teammate couldn’t see it. “All clear now? Is it safe to let Farnsworth go?”
“As far as I know it is. Let me check with Donovan. Unless you get a negative in half an hour, Farnsworth is a free man. By the way, Donovan said there might be a small reward coming his way for his part in helping us bust this case.”