Perhaps she’d slept some during the day after remaining awake most of the night, cowering in terror. She thought she heard someone stirring around after all the police left and the bodies were taken away. She had no idea what to do, so she just stayed hidden.
Catalina thought she could recognize the assassin from a picture, but the mug shots Rita had showed her were not him, or at least the girl said as much. She seemed not to know the mysterious young man and wasn’t even sure she had seen him come in or noticed him among the bodies. No, she’d told Rita, the man with the machete and the club was big, older, had a scarred face and long hair.
Rita had taken her to a clinic where they pronounced her unharmed, then made sure she went to a safe house. Jax guessed the girl was at a nearby convent with some nuns who took in orphans and wards of the state. The money the state provided for the children’s care helped the sisters in their other charitable efforts.