Chapter 43

The brujasmiled, revealing a gap where her front teeth should have been. The remaining teeth were black. She took the ankh, enclosed it in both hands, and rocked back and forth. Neither Eli nor she said anything for a while. The psychic’s aura changed from the light purple to light blue to a darker blue then to indigo before she spoke. She opened her eyes and studied Eli for a moment. “You are not from here. Not from this time.”

Eli nodded. “Go on.”

“You have been known by many names but go by the one that your mother calls you.”

Eli nodded again. “Yes. That’s correct.”

“You are known as Eli.” She opened her hand like the ankh burned it and shoved the item back to him. “The person you seek is alive, and yes, he lives in the city. He is half-aware of you, having lived many lives. But, be aware.”

“Be aware of what?” asked Eli. He interpreted the color change in the bruja’saura as fear.