Chapter 52

This looks like a day in the park for him.

Adam caught his breath and as Eli joined all of them on the same landing, Adam spoke. “Not bad guys. Not bad. Second pyramid of the morning and you guys are holding up pretty well. And, it looks like we came out here just in time. There are a few large groups currently climbing the first pyramid we walked earlier.”

Josh adjusted his baseball cap to look over to the Pyramid of the Sun. “Wow, can’t believe these things. When were they built again?”

Sully answered. “I read in the book that maybe one hundred years before Christ that they had built most of these pyramids, but they guess it was in its heyday around two or three hundred years after Christ.” Sully dug around Josh’s cinch sack that Josh carried like a backpack as he spoke

“Hey, be careful, I put my wallet and my iPod in there,” Josh said.

“I know. You reminded me when I bought that obsidian rock at the store after lunch,” quipped Sully.