Chapter 58

Eli waited until Oran drank the cup of water that was next to him. “Sully said they met a stranger who offered him to show them more of the ruins. He identified himself as being from Greece. I was with Adam, away from both of them, when Josh fell. Josh said right before he fell, he was stepping off the stones and he felt a gust of wind. Except it wasn’t windy there. It was miserably hot. No wind, no breeze. They described the man as tall, slender, dark eyebrows, a large, thin nose.”

“Doesn’t that sound like Malakion?”

“It sort of does. And if Malakion has speed, he could easily create the feeling of wind or push Josh without Josh seeing him.”

“Do you think Malakion is after you?” asked Oran.

“I don’t know.” Eli scratched his head. Eli mumbled another “I don’t know” before he tapped the phone screen. “Now, tell me why you are in the hospital.”

“I will. I will. But, first promise me whatever I tell you will stay with Josh, and Micha, and Sully, and not leave Mexico.”