Chapter 72

“What do you mean you didn’t tell him?” Sully asked. “We holed up yesterday in the hotel so you could.”

“I tried to reach him. He has these ideas that kind of shocked me, about religion, for example, and he doesn’t believe in reincarnation.”

“Did you show him the pictures?” Josh asked. “Did you tell him that was him in the daguerreotypes?”

Eli shook his head. “I’ll try to approach the issue soon.”

“Well, shouldn’t we think about heading home, where it’s safe?” Adam waved the three of them over to catch up. “I’m not even sure if this was the right thing to do, to go on a tour. We should’ve just stayed in the hotel until we, or I mean, you, found him, Eli.”

“What excuse would we have used?” Josh asked, his eyebrows raised. “We already washed several loads of laundry, including my father’s and Eli’s.”

“Anything,” Sully offered.

“We’re probably safer in day light and indoors, near groups of people. He’s not crazy enough to attack anyone here,” Eli said.