“A long time ago, sure. We’re grown-ass men now.” Then I went back for an unfrosted reject. “They can’t expel us or take us in as minors and try to scare us straight.”
“So to speak.” Troy shot me a look.
“You weren’t gonna eat that, were you?”
He smiled, “All yours, buddy,” then headed over to set up the hot chocolate urn. Indian summer was long gone now, and there would no doubt be a rush on the stuff. “They can try you as adults, you know, which is even worse. I’d keep that in mind if I were you.”
“I’m not talking about committing a felony. Not even a misdemeanor, this time. Though if something comes up, Angel Ramos, esquire can get me off.”
“Again…so to speak. And I’m teasing, because I know how hard you’ve worked.”
“Yeah. Cake is part of our love story, Troy—mine and Angel’s.”
“An erotic one?”
A cupcake crumb flew across the room when I couldn’t tame my amusement. “Sort of. I won’t lie. I popped a woody from licking Angel’s beaters once in Life Skills class.”