“You have to pick, Noah,” she said.
So, I asked for white, then Angel and I shared. At one point, Toby’s mom looked over, her posture and expression indicating she was about to speak. She didn’t, though, but rather just shook her head, and then walked away. Adults were starting to do that around me more and more.
After dessert, a bunch of us went back to the bouncy house. Toby puked. Next time, Mrs. Walden would know enough to reverse the activity order on her list of birthday fun—bouncy house, then cake. It was gross and also really cool. No one would go in afterward, even though Mr. Walden hosed the thing out. Angel and I did, though, jumping around as if we were the only two people in the world. We even held hands, because we were the only two people in the bouncy house. It was there I noticed how the skin on our hands was two different colors. His was a little darker, like his hair and his eyes. I forgot about orange. Suddenly, I had a new favorite color. It was Angel.