“Even if I don’t stay at Brockman, Pointe, Weller, and Phipps forever, their recommendation and references are key to my entire future.”
Double shit! I was going to ruin his entire future.
“I’m glad you’re going to be there,” he said.
I doubted he would be once future SCOTUS Justice Phipps opened the Holiday Brothers’ Bakery box. “Good lord! Is that our legal assistant’s cannoli in that snowman’s anus?!”
“I bet you have a beautiful view of all the lights on Main Street from your room.” I crossed my fingers, hoping that was true.
“Kind of.”
“Let’s go.” I tugged on Angel’s arm again, pulling back toward the living room. “I want to see them.”
“Now?” Angel stood firm. He was slim, but strong. I couldn’t budge him.
“Yeah. It’ll be romantic.”
“It’s romantic here. Your room is closer, and we’re already half undressed and half hard.”
Hearing him say that got me closer to 7/8.
“The view from my room will be just as beautiful tomorrow.”