Chapter 4

“Here in the city. I came out here right after high school, since they offered me a partial scholarship.”


Ryan chuckled. “It would have been more impressive if it had been a full one.”

“Did your parents help pay your tuition?”

“No. They…died in an accident when I was seventeen.”

“I’m sorry,” Merrick replied softly. “Would I be wrong in presuming you stayed with family until after high school?”

“My aunt and uncle. They were very nice about it, but they had a family of their own, so…” Ryan shrugged. Why is he so curious about me? Probably for something to talk about while he finishes his coffee, since we sort of know each other. I should return the favor and ask about him. He might have done so, if he didn’t have a couple of other tables which he realized he’d been ignoring. He excused himself then went to check on how everyone was doing. He started back to where Merrick had been seated only to see the man walking toward the restaurant’s front door.