Chapter 43

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Ryan greeted Merrick at the door when he came home; giving him a kiss before telling him dinner was ready “As soon as you change into something comfortable.”

Merrick did, while Ryan set the dining nook table, and then filled bowls with spaghetti and sauce, putting them on the table, along with garlic bread. He was pouring them coffee when Merrick came into the kitchen.

“How was your day?” Ryan asked as they sat down to eat.

“The same as always—busy. Oh, Mr. Foster called to tell me he had a check for you. I stopped by the gallery to pick it up on my way home.”

“Why didn’t he call me? Okay, never mind. I can’t find my phone. Wherever I put it…” Ryan shook his head. “The battery must be dead, dead, dead by now.”

“Ryan, honestly.”

“I know. Sorry,” Ryan replied apologetically. “Can I have it?”

“Of course.” Merrick took the check from his pocket, handing it to Ryan.

Ryan grinned when he saw the amount. “Wow. I’m rich.”