Chapter 45

“A prisoner? This is your home. Our home. You’re not a prisoner. We leave whenever you ask to.” Merrick raised his other hand, then lowered it, balling it into a fist. “Where did you go?”

“I told you. For a walk,” Ryan managed to get out. “You’re choking me.” He tried to pry Merrick’s hand lose.

Merrick tightened his grip until Ryan gasped for breath, then loosened it. “And I told you, you were never to leave unless I’m with you. Do I need to beat it into you so you remember?”

“No,” Ryan whispered, his voice hoarse. “But it’s not fair.”

“Fair? You go out whoring around and you dare to say I’m not being fair?” Merrick brought his fist up.

“If you hit me, I leave,” Ryan managed to say defiantly, even though he was terrified of the consequences.