Chapter 73

“And we wouldn’t say no to a helping hand,” Shaun added. “They’re not heavy, but after two trips already with them.”

“Got it,” Jim replied, picking up the base for one of the drawing tables.

Between the three of them, with Ryan supervising after taking the lights down, they got everything into the basement and put together. By then, it was dinnertime—as Miss Gina pointed out when she came down to see how things were progressing.

“Did you decide which part of the basement to use?” she asked Ryan.

“Here,” Ryan told her, indicating the back area. “Once you tell me where you want all these, umm, interesting bits of furniture.”

She laughed. “If I had an ounce of sense, I’d tell you to take most of them out to the dumpster.”

“Quick, before she changes her mind.” Shaun grinned when she flipped him off, then said, “Not that I can help. I have to go home and get ready for work.”