Chapter 75

For the next hour, they sat in the park Ryan had found a few days ago, half a mile from the boarding house. Despite the cold, there were people out, some walking dogs, older couples meandering the paths, mothers and children at the playground. Ryan did quick sketches of as many of them as he could, until his fingers began to feel numb.

“You need gloves,” Shaun said at one point.

“I can’t draw when I’m wearing them,” Ryan told him. “Even if I had some…” He shrugged, going back to a sketch of an older man pointing to a plane flying overhead. He and his wife watched it long enough for Ryan to dash off three impressions of their faces. “Perfect,” he said when they finally continued on their walk.

“You’re amazing,” Shaun said. “Thirty seconds each and you caught what they were feeling. Now they just need hair—”