* * * *
When Shaun arrived at the boarding house late Christmas morning, he was greeted by Miss Gina and the lodgers as if he was one of what she called her extended family. Everyone was, unsurprisingly, in the parlor, some with eggnog, others sipping coffee.
Shaun’s gaze immediately went to Ryan, who was looking inordinately pleased with himself. Shaun found out why when Miss Gina practically dragged him over to show him a new drawing that held the place of honor over the fireplace. It was of her, seated on one of the parlor sofas, with the rest of the lodgers standing behind her.
“That’s beautiful,” Shaun said. “It’s only missing one person.”
She smiled. “I know. Ryan. When I said so, he told me he hadn’t been here long enough.” She gave Ryan a mock glare. “I could have smacked him.”
Ryan shrugged, before picking up the lone gift still under the tree. It was obvious to Shaun there had been others, from the wastebasket full to overflowing with discarded wrapping paper.