Chapter 13

Which didn’t sit especially well with Derrick. “I should be?” he mimicked. The living room had filled with kids and grandmas, and the kitchen had begun to attract sisters-in-law on the coffee prowl, so Derrick steered Lee by the elbow out into the window-walled indoor/outdoor mudroom that served as a buffer between the kitchen and the back yard. “And what about you? Now it’s my fault that the first thing you did when I met you was rob me?”

“The firstthing I did when I met you was fuck you,” Lee reminded him. “And I didn’t do a half-bad job, as I recall.”

Derrick did not wish to be easily mollified. “You never even apologized,” he said.

“Well, you did say you’d slug me if I did,” Lee pointed out.

“But, I mean…if you’re such a good guy...” Derrick mused. “Why?”