“This was Colin’s idea?”
“You’re surprised? What, because he’s been so decisive about choosing between us?”
“What, so this lets him off the hook? He just gets both of us?”
“I know. Lucky bastard.”
“You’re okay with this?”
“I think it’s genius.”
“Well, of course you do. This way Colin gets all the Joaquin he wants.” I pouted.
Joaquin set his coffee cup on the bedside table. Pried mine from my hands and set it beside it. Swung his leg so that he was astride me. “Not just Colin,” he said.
Oh. I felt my attachment to Colin’s making a choice begin to unravel.
“Where is Colin, anyway?” I asked about a half an hour later from my position alongside and half-underneath Joaquin.
“He took the boat. I guess Christmas Eve brunch is kind of a thing for his family when they come here.”
“Right. I kind of lost track of the whole Christmas thing.”
“Not me.” He gave my butt a smack and a jiggle. “I hope you liked your present.”