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Chapter 13

But the score remains the same as it was at the end of the second period—five to two. A good game, Christian thinks as he skates out with the rest of his team to shake the other players’ hands. He can be generous now because his team won. He lines up between two of his teammates, hand out, and waits as the Rebels skate down the line. It’s a show of good sportsmanship, shaking hands after the game, but the first guy skips Christian’s hand completely; the second hits him so hard, his palm stings. The third is Ronnie, who stops and takes Christian’s hand in both his own.

Christian raises his gaze to meet his old friend’s, and for a moment, the world stops. All thought disappears beneath that crystalline stare, and Christian gasps like a fish out of water, unable to draw breath as long as Ronnie’s watching. “Hey,” Ronnie says softly.

“Hey.” Christian mouths the word, and isn’t sure it comes out loud enough for Ronnie to hear.