Outside he pauses to zip up his jacket. It’s colder than he thought it’d be. Most of the crowd huddles in oversized parkas, wool caps, and thick gloves. He tugs on a pair of thin leather gloves, flexes his fingers in them to settle them right, then realizes he’s dawdling. He should just get this over with already. What’s Ronnie want with him, anyway?
Hefting his gym bag again, he cuts across the flow of the crowd to the small, private lot across the street where the players park. As he approaches, he notices the lot has emptied out—only a handful of vehicles remain. The coach’s Beemer, a battered Toyota he thinks belongs to one of the referees, and Ronnie’s pick-up truck. Christian doesn’t see his old teammate inside the cab or standing by the driver’s side door. Maybe he’s not out of the locker room yet.