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Chapter 20

Mind made up, he stretches as he stands. “There’s always a third option,” he tries, though he knows full well there isn’t. “I could get back in the game.”

The coach laughs at that. “Nice try, Mason. I don’t think so.”

With a sigh, Sean starts jogging away from Barrett, down the length of the field. The chill from the ice wears off as he runs, leaving a dull throb behind in his temple. The hot sun glares down at him, burning away all thought until his mind is a white haze. All he sees is the line to his left marking the perimeter of the pitch; he keeps as close to it as he can without actually running over it, keeps his gaze on the ground, and follows that line down the length of the field. At the corner he swings out and turns, glancing at his teammates who scuffle for the ball while he passes behind the goal. He hits the other corner, turns, and starts down the opposite side of the pitch.