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Chapter 33

He opens an eye and squints at Megan, who stands by the kitchen sink already dressed in her volleyball outfit, a pair of tight biker shorts and what looks like a sports bra, both black with bright teal accents. She’s rubbing suntan oil liberally over her arms and a pair of wraparound sunglasses sit atop her head, holding back her hair. Wrinkling her nose, she runs her gaze over him once to let him know she’s displeased, then looks away. “What time did you get in last night?” she asks. Though her voice is calm, her anger comes through in the vicious squirt of the bottle of oil she’s applying. “I’m surprised you’re even up at this hour.”

“I got a game to play.” Shuffling down the last few steps, Colby hikes up his boxers and heads for the fridge. Inside he grabs the carton of milk, shakes it to make sure it isn’t empty, then swigs it back. Without a word, Megan pitches the oil at him, the bottle striking his arm as he takes a second drink. “What? It’s the last of it.”