When the time comes to get underway, Greg falls into step beside Trey. Thank God for the convention that keeps a golfer with his caddy while on the fairway—he’d die if he had to waste the afternoon alone. None of Trey’s friends have so much as looked his way, noneof them. He wonders if anything were said to explain his presence. “Oh, he used to caddy for my old man. Damn fucker left me with a bad case of blue balls last night, let me tell you. He has no idea what he threw away.”
Greg hopes Trey’s seriously thinking about his offer of a second chance because if he gets one, he swears he won’t walk out again. Now that he sees what Trey could’vehad and didn’t? He’s flattered, of course, and more than a little determined to get back in that bed he left so gracelessly last night. He was a fool, he knows that. He wants to apologize again but Trey still hasn’t said a word to him yet and he doesn’t want to interrupt the golfer before the game.