Mike moves to the other nipple and repeats his ministrations. By the time Mike stands to cover Rob’s lips in a tender kiss, Rob’s knees are weak and threaten to drop him to the ground in a puddle of jelly. “Please,” he sighs into Mike. “Can we do it again? Can we—”
“Only if you promise to stay the whole night,” Mike whispers against him.
How can Rob refuse?
THE ENDVictory Lap
Josh Helton woke with his alarm at six-thirty Saturday morning. As much as he would have loved to hit the snooze button, roll over in his covers, and go back to sleep, he knew he had to get moving. If he cried off now, he’d have no one to blame but himself.
The hardest part was that first step out of the bed. Throwing back the covers wasn’t too difficult, but his body wanted to just lie there, spread-eagled on the mattress, savoring the cool breeze generated by the ceiling fan. The thought of getting dressed, getting into the car, and driving to Bryan Park exhausted him. He could run tomorrow…