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Chapter 76

He ran faster.

* * * *

When Josh came around the final curve and saw the athletic building dead ahead, it looked deserted. From this angle, he couldn’t see the cars in the parking lot, but no one waited in front of the building, and no one lingered inside the breezeway as far as he could tell. He put a little extra oomph in his stride, sprinting full out like all the great marathoners seemed able to do, and his knees cried out in protest. Great,he thought, focusing on the building and pushing himself to the edge of endurance. First really hot guy I meet after Robbie and I blew him off. For what? I’m not going to win the 10K—they ship in men from Kenya to run it, they outpace me just walking, I’ll never even cross the finish line and, if I do, no one will be there waiting because why? I couldn’t be bothered to stop and flirt with Chad.