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Chapter 81

Chad reminded him, “The Monument 10K is allroad, through downtown Richmond. What do you think they’re going to let you do, run on people’s lawns just because that’s what you’re used to?”

He had a point. So Josh ran to Chad’s house, pleased when he got there in under twenty minutes. He was shaving seconds off his mile every time he ran. His goal for the 10K was to try to come in under an hour, if he could. If he couldn’t…well, managing to cross the finish line at all would be a big deal nonetheless.

True to his word, Chad biked back with Josh, at first alongside him as he ran, then racing ahead and riding just ahead. He glanced over his shoulder and grinned at Josh. “Come on, man. You can do better than that!”

“Is that…supposed…to be…encouraging?” Josh panted. He knew they were nearing the four mile mark—he felt winded and his calves quivered. “Because…it’s…not.”