“Hey, where’s this party at again?” he asked during a lull in the music.
Lonnie shrugged. “Somewhere up near McLean, I don’t know. In a townhouse this girl’s parents own, but they’re out of town for the weekend.” When the music didn’t start up again, he nodded at the center console between them. “Check my iPhone, will you? See what’s up.”
Jo dug the phone out of the console and found the problem—the screen was dark, the device shut down. “When’s the last time you charged this?” he asked, hunting for the cord. “It’s dead.”
“Shit, I don’t know.” If Lonnie was concerned, he didn’t show it. “Don’t worry, I sort of know where we’re going. If not, hey, we’ll find another party to crash.”
Luckily Jo found the cord and plugged it into the car’s USB port. He turned on the phone, but didn’t restart the music. Instead he called up the GPS to make sure they were still on course. In the quiet of the car’s interior, he asked, “So are you ready for the season to start?”