“Condor Hunter?” Raven asked, repeating it in the same tongue when he could get his throat working again.
Now the comment about their dicks made sense. It referenced the exploration of their bodies as boys coming into puberty, discovering some amazing things about their dicks and balls.
“Shee…it,” he muttered under his breath as the import of that hit him in the gut. If you were from a California reservation, you were tribesmen—family—until death. So, at least for the time being, Raven was stuck with this man.
Red nodded. “Shee…it,” he repeated.
Raven put the truck in reverse and peeled out of the parking lot in a brief fit of frustration. Thank Holona, his people’s goddess of life, that the condos which he’d designed, built, and lived in provided an outdoor elevator. It was a plus when you needed to transport boards…and an inebriated tribal brother clutching his only belongings in a plastic bag…to the top floor.