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Chapter 13

“All my savings have gone to lawyers. Attorney number three dropped my case without telling me, sued me when I quit paying him. But I was the sixth client to report him to the state bar, and an L.A. firm is handling my counter suit on contingency, and they assure me he’ll be disbarred and I’ll get a settlement.”

“Until then, you have no income, home, or belongings. Hell in a hand basket, I’d have binged, too. What kind of work were you in?”

Hunter’s smile was shy. “Compared to you, Mr. Big Building Designer Guy, not much. I was a DJ, and I’m a singer. I had a small combo, but I can’t pay them.

“Radio studio I worked for was bought out, my show dropped. The gay club where I sing is having licensing problems and closed. Temporarily, they say. Ifthey reopen, I’ll at least have some income again. Maybe even DJ there, too.”

“Which club?”
