“Never saw you in here before.”
“Come here often?”
“A couple times.”
Okay, this is going nowhere fast.
While Danny tried to engage Al in conversation, he continued to check him out. He had stretched out again and crossed his legs. The bulge was even more impressive close up. Danny’s own appendage appreciated the sight. Al’s legs were muscular and it showed even through the jeans. He held his drink in his left hand. Danny checked it for a wedding band and found none. His right was in the pocket of his pants. His biceps and chest stretched the fabric of the shirt. Danny figured eighteen inch arms, forty-six inch chest. A little more muscular than he liked ‘em, but nice nonetheless.
Al saw Danny looking at his crotch. Danny realized he’d been caught, and looked up at his face with a slight blush. Al didn’t react one way or the other.
Danny looked into Al’s eyes. They were deep, dark pools of liquid. They held his. What was going on in them? They were sad, yet there was longing. Desire was in them as well as fear. Danny’s heartbeat increased. Suddenly the things not on his plus list didn’t seem to matter so much.
He realized he was staring at Al and said, “Nice earrings.”
Holy shit! Real smooth, Marshall!
“Uh, yeah, er…they were a gift from a friend,” Al stammered.
Better not go there,thought Danny.
Danny continued to try different approaches to get Al to open up but nothing seemed to work. He reluctantly decided it was a lost cause but couldn’t quite bring himself to break off the attempted connection.
He was just going to excuse himself when Al said, “I owe you a drink, what are you drinking?”
Danny’s heart leapt. “Vodka, water with lime, thanks.”
As Al walked away, Danny was given another reason to lust after the man. His buns more than made up for the other shortcomings.
Returning to the table, Al asked, “I guess you’re a regular here?”
Danny decided to break one of his own come-on rules: never talk about yourself, show an interest in the target. For the next few minutes he talked about his work, Frank’s place, and his interests.
“Well, that’s enough about me. Tell me about you.”
“Nothin’ much to tell. Work for New City Construction.” He touched the brim of his hat indicating the insignia. “Site foreman. That’s about it.”
“You married?” Danny had to ask. It was pretty standard procedure here. “Got a boyfriend?”
Al’s eyes flashed before returning to normal, only more guarded than before.
“Uh…no.” Al looked really uncomfortable. “Well, I better get going. He started to get up. “Nice to meet…”
Before Danny could think what he was doing, he reached out and covered Al’s hand with his.
“Hey, look. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be nosey. Please don’t go.”
Al relaxed back against the chair. “S’okay.” The eyes pleaded with Danny as if something inside of the man was saying, Help me, set me free.
Danny removed his hand from Al’s. Al was looking down at the table. He looked uncomfortable.
“Really, I didn’t mean to go where I had no business going. I…” Danny started to say.
“Forget it, not your fault.”
Something seemed to be stirring inside Danny that had little to do with the strong physical attraction he was now feeling for this man. It overcame all the aspects he had hitherto considered unappealing. He didn’t quite understand what was happening.
They sat for a long time in silence; neither one seemed to know what to do next. Frank came over with refills for their drinks. “On the house,” he said and winked at Danny.
The addition of a third drink to their systems relaxed them both and gave Danny the courage to suggest, “Pass or play?”
“What?” Al asked, wrinkling his brow.
“Sorry, guess you don’t know the code. Let me try again. Would you like to spend some time with me upstairs?” Danny said, indicating the door next to the bar.
Al took so long to respond, Danny regretted making the suggestion. It was clear the invitation had set off a turmoil within the man sitting before him. He shifted several times in his seat and finished off his drink in a swallow. He moved his gaze from Danny’s face to his own hands and took a deep cleansing breath.
“Sure, I’d like that,” he said finally.
Danny felt a wave of relief.
“Great,” said Danny, not wanting to sound too enthusiastic in light of Al’s hesitant reaction.
They walked to the bar. Without comment Frank handed Danny a key. They went through the door, passed the johns, climbed the stairs, and stopped outside of Room 12.