As they went along, Tonio would recognize certain buildings and offered a comment or two about things that he remembered happening there.
At one point, he indicated a stone structure and exclaimed, “There, there is where I lived with Micho.”
He looked sad after seeing the lodging of his former lover, when to him their good-bye was only days in his past. Karl squeezed his hand reassuringly. Tonio smiled.
Myrna hardly paid any attention as she jabbered on about the trip, cute butts, and her ongoing search for real pizza. Karl’s attention was totally focused on Tonio, and his childlike enthusiasm for the experience he was having.
“Karl, I’m talkin’ to ya!” Myrna jabbed him in the ribs.
“What?” he said in irritation, turning to her just as Giorgio, the sexy tour guide, announced they were leaving Florence.