“…and a little longer,” Derrick finished their ritual and leaned into a kiss as they stood beside his SUV.
“If you lived here, you’d be home now,” Cooper continued.
Derrick opened his mouth to reply—but before he could—Cooper hugged him close and said, “Scratch that…I’m sorry. We’ve talked that subject to death and it’s not fair of me to keep bringing it up. Like you always tell me, let’s take what we have and enjoy it to the fullest. Not everyone finds what we have, even though it isn’t all we would want.”
Derrick loved him for that. “What’s supposed to happen, does,” he said returning the hug. He felt Cooper nod in agreement as he held him against his chest.
“Call me when you get home?” Coop said.
“Don’t I always?” Derrick said wistfully, wishing with all his heart he didn’t have to leave. He pulled Coop into another kiss. He felt tears begin to sting his eyes. He took a deep breath and held Cooper tightly one more time.