Chapter 44

As he let these thoughts and realization settle in a feeling of peace came over him. He closed his eyes. For the first time he felt as if he could sleep. He had never—since the accident—felt fatigue. But now his eyes were growing heavy. He closed them and let himself go. He felt he was drifting down from somewhere, moving faster and faster all the time. Then…nothing.

* * * *

Cooper stood at the end of the hospital bed. Ned was next to him, his arm around his shoulder. They watched the doctor intently as he and the nurse examined Derrick. In the background Coop could hear the steady beep beepof the heart monitor. He glanced at the gauges and screens.

“Oxygen at ninety-four percent, blood pressure one-hundred thirty-two over seventy-four, pulse regular at forty-six, respirations sixteen, temperature ninety-eight point eight,” the nurse rattled off the vitals as the doctor checked the IV that carried blood and saline solution into Derrick’s vein.