Chapter 3

Once, a dock manager had made a comment under his breath that it was better when all the truckers were white. Brian’s dad had said a lot of mankind’s history came from Africa.

Now, they finished washing the truck and put away the cleaning stuff. “Start the engine, son. I need to check the pressure lines and gauges.” When he finished, he nodded for Brian to turn off the engine.

Yelling from Jim’s house next door grabbed their attention and they traded glances. Oh, no. They were at it again.

Brian winced and asked, “Can’t you do something?”

“Not unless Jim says it’s okay, and you know he never does. I know what I want to do, but that’s sort of illegal.” He gave a sad smile.

“Sort of?”

Dad reached low to wrap an arm around Brian’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s get out of this heat.”

Inside, Brian lovingly bumped his dad. “I’m glad I got you as a dad.”