Chapter 34

Brian grinned, showing his white canines and chin dimple. “He says ‘hi’ back.” He ended the call pretty quick. “Dad says he came across this shop in Washington that sells all kinds of fancy underwear, including for men. He bought some briefs for me.” His grin deepened, giving him the sexy chipmunk cheeks that turned Jim on even more.

Jim fetched root beers from the refrigerator and opened them, giving one to Brian. They toasted and drank. “What else did he say?”

“He talked half the time about Michelle, a gal he met. He went on about her sweet southern accent, how pretty she is but can do man-work and drive with the best of them but still maintain her femininity. He talked about the colorful bandanas, cowgirl boots, and attractive jewelry, some of it Native American, she wears.”

“Sounds like he’s in lust.”

“Come down to the basement.” Brian grinned like a kid with a secret.

Once downstairs, he turned on the TV.

“Dude, that’s a real clear picture. What’d you do?”