Chapter 70

He asked, “How may I help you gentlemen?”

Jim nudged Brian. He didn’t speak, so Jim nudged again.

Brian took a step forward. “Uh, sir, last year I was in here and I stole two things and I need to pay for them. I’m sorry, it’s just, what they were—”

Jim cut him off. “It doesn’t matter what he stole, but they cost four dollars and fifty cents each.” Brian handed the man a ten-dollar bill.

“Well, I’m impressed.”

Brian shook his head. “I’m sorry. I don’t want any change.”

The man gave the money to the receptionist. “Put this in the cash box.” He faced the boys and shook their hands. “Gentlemen, it’s rare something like this happens. It takes a brave man to do what you’ve done. If either of you is interested in a job, you’re welcome to apply.”

Brian gasped.

“It’s not that a mistake was made,” the man continued, “but rather how we handle it and grow from it.” He gave them his card.