Chapter 72

“There are no demons or monsters that can suddenly appear when lights go out or the sun goes down. When things happen, we deal with them, but don’t give your power to them by stressing in your mind. Ninety percent of what people worry about never happens.” He walked to the bar, poured whiskey into a glass, sniffed it, and dipped his tongue for a taste. Then he stared at Brian and poured it out. “You face your demons, I’ll face mine.”

Brian swelled in the growing friendship. “Thanks, Rico.”

“Always remember what you focus on grows. You were a hero to defend Jim with his stepfather. You were brave and took action. You’ve apologized to Jim for times you screwed up, and that takes courage. You stayed in the house without your father, and learned to cook when your mother left. That took courage. You admitted you were homosexual to me instead of lying and you went to pay for the panties you stole—courageous.”

Brian’s mouth dropped. “How do you know about the panties?”