Chapter 11

I reluctantly pulled out while my dick was still hard. He lay there panting for at least a minute. I collapsed next to him.

He kissed my neck. “Can we shower and then cuddle?”

“I’d like nothing more.” I kissed him back on the mouth, long and deep until his tongue found mine

“Then after…can we have sex again?”

Holy, oh my damn. “Yes. You don’t have to ask. I promise.”

* * * *

It turned out the fashion show featured underwear and bathing suits—I should have figured since it was Rio. I was in the audience watching for Marc. Holy cow, he came out in black briefs that were almost sheer. His body was oiled. His face oozed confidence. Remember how I said his looks would stun you? My mind was blitzed. I wanted nothing but to fall at his feet and worship.