Chapter 62

“That was remarkable. Transcendent, even,” I said. “I…I’ve never…Emil, you can’t ever leave.”

Emil gave a beautiful, lascivious smile as his chest heaved. “I can’t? But why not?”

I was still buried inside him, still hard as stone. “I can’t give you up. Now that I’ve had you…I can’t not have this again. I will give you everything you want.”

Emil reached up and caressed my cheek. His face was flushed and his eyes full of happiness. “You don’t need to give me everything I want. But I understand.” He kissed my mouth slowly, then he looked up at me. “Because, Gianni, I want you to have the same.”Which Way to Dominance

When Teddy heard the pickup drive past the main house and stop outside his room, he knew he had only seconds to undress. He threw his book on the bed and tore off everything. He hoped Roy wouldn’t be drunk again, but in the past months everything about him had darkened.

There was a single knock, and Teddy opened the door, naked.