Chapter 12

Pam brings up the rear, swinging her purse at her left side, stepping carefully over and around one icy spot after the next, concerned of plummeting to its asphalt, repeatedly saying, “I don’t want to break a hip.”

Once inside the restaurant, the Icicle family is a provided with a round table. Two seats are left empty, opposite Jonah and Sandy. The pair of seats sit between Pam on their left side and Jake on their right side.

As Jonah studies the ruby-red-trimmed-in-gold material around him—draperies, napkins, chairs, carpet—and a petite Chinese-American waitress with pretty, black eyes who masterfully places menus in front of his family, he realizes that one of the empty seats belongs to his father, Bill, who has failed them all this evening, and most of their holidays as a family, hiding yet again inside his small, personal, and whatever-happens world.