“Your gear could’ve waited until after the party.”
“Yes, if I wanted to delay startup.” The mechanical crews worked hard to make sure all production lines were ready to go on the morning of December 26. It was a point of pride. “Anyone who wants me to be irresponsible isn’t worth impressing.”
Fedment frowned in disagreement. “You could make an effort. At this rate you’ll be single forever.”
“There are worse fates.”
“Have you lost your mind?”
Adley hadn’t, though most elves would think he had. At forty-seven, he was old to be single. Most elves married by the age of forty and enjoyed at least a century with their spouse. Adley couldn’t think of anything more horrifying than spending a century with someone who considered socializing more important than a job well done. Therefore, though he was the oldest of three siblings, he was still unattached and intended to remain that way unless and until he found someone who shared his outlook on life.