She showed them in to the first room off the short, dark hallway. “He’s in the parlor. I’ll bring you some tea.” Lew ruminated that the 1920s seemed to run on either tea or hard spirits. He was always drinking one or the other.
Kelly was an old man, for any time. He had impressive white side-whiskers and reminded Lew of pictures of Darwin. He rose stiffly to greet them from a leather wing chair by the fireplace. “Mr. Fornham. Mr. Tyler.” He shook Lew’s hand. “To meet a man from the future is a great honor.” He didn’t let go of his hand and Lew felt the cool tingle of power moving over him.
“I’m not a Creature, Mr. Kelly, I assure you.”
“No, you’re not, lad.” He released his hand and stepped back. “Sit down, sit down. Vicky will bring some tea in shortly. And I think she’s been baking. Always baking.” He lowered himself down into his high-backed fireside chair and looked at them solemnly. “How can I help you, young man? You’re a long way from home.”