Chapter 28

With a jerk, Lew pulled back into himself.

Where had that come from?

He controlled his erratic breathing and pushed out again, this time with intent.

He’d known Archie had a rudimentary knowledge after their visits to Kelly—but he hadn’t told Lew he was working toward a particular aim. Lew had gathered he had been living a life similar to Lew’s own. He’d taken on the responsibility that came with the knowledge and the power willingly, despite being so hapless, but hadn’t known enough to do anything particular with it. He’d said as much to Lew.

But once again, Lew came up against the shiver of energy that told him Archie had come across something dangerous. This time he approached it cautiously, feeling around the edges before he went any closer. He’d felt this before. Archie had done a particular Working, with a specific intent…the same one Mira had done. Fucking hell. Archie had followed Mira’s example and tried to Pull himself his ideal job. Suddenly, there it was.